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Writer's picturePaul Nicholas - Nicholas Marketing


Updated: Mar 6, 2024

why he started Organic Bob Lawn Care

Organc Bob Lawn Care is Nicholas Marketing's newest content writing client.

February 7, 2023 – Organic Bob Lawn Care has joined Nicholas Marketing’s portfolio of clients striving to protect our world’s ecosystem. I’m excited to help them get the word out about how people can transform their yards. This requires regenerating the lawn and involves more than just getting rid of weeds and making the grass green. The results are eco-friendly and amazing!

Organic Bob Lawn Care using Nicholas Marketing for blog and social media posts as well as implementing other parts of their marketing plan
See the resemblance?

Organic Bob’s real name is Bob Dahm, and he grew up on a farm in Iowa. While he lived there, he witnessed farming change from a practice based on a love of the land to a profit-only business without respect for people or the earth. Read more of his story in their latest blog post. You can also follow them on Instagram @organicbobmn and Facebook @organicbob.

Organic Bob joins a growing list of my clients in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area who are helping address the challenges associated with climate change. The organizations we have supported with content writing and other marketing services include:

  • paleBLUEdot - providing comprehensive Climate Action Plans (CAP plans) for dozens of cities, counties, and a variety of other entities across the country. @BLUEdotRegister

  • Pollinator Friendly Alliance – a grassroots conservation organizations leading efforts to protect bees and other pollinators from pesticides and expand the habitat they are so dependent on. @PollinatorFriendly @pollinator_friendly

  • Trap Energy - working with customers requiring process steam for industrial boiler solutions. They provide a much more efficient, on demand process for supplying industrial steam. reducing the amount of energy used by 20% as well as realizing operational efficiencies for their clients.

  • GS Motors – the only used car dealership dedicated to selling used electric vehicles. @gsmotorsus

  • Minify Energy - consulting with building owners and property managers to audit and uncover opportunities to reduce energy use. By using their in-depth knowledge of the numerous incentives and rebates offered by utilities and governments, they are often able to lower associated costs and improve clients’ ROI even more. @minifyenergy

Nicholas Marketing provides eco-friendly organizations an affordable opportunity to work with an experienced content marketing professional. I provide consistent and integrated content generation across a variety of platforms, including websites, blogs, social media, email marketing, collateral, press releases and media kits. #greenmarketing #contentwriting

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